Design application learning physics on material newton's law-based virtual lab
1 Study Program Technique Informatics, University of Nusa Nipa, Maumere, Indonesia.
2 Study Programs Technique Civil Engineering, University of Nusa Nipa, Maumere, Indonesia.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 14(03), 001–006.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.14.3.0042
Publication history:
Received on 16 January 2023; revised on 26 February 2023; accepted on 01 March 2023
Currently the world is experiencing an outbreak of the COVID 19 virus disease, so many people have become victims, so all activities are limited. This happens in the field of education, the learning atmosphere that usually takes place face-to-face has now changed to using online media from elementary to university level. PHYSICS learning in SMA is not only focused on concept theory but to support student centered learning, learning prioritizes the process of discovering and researching these materials and concepts themselves. Thus the existence of a laboratory becomes important where the purpose of holding learning in the laboratory is to develop student skills such as the use of tools, observation, train students carefully and recognize the limits of laboratory measurement abilities, train accuracy in recording, reporting, Results, stimulating critical thinking in experimental analysis, through the interpretation of experiments, deepen knowledge and develop responsibility and honesty as well as train students to plan and conduct experiments. But in reality, with the pandemic, students have difficulty in practical learning in the laboratory. Through the application of learning physics on Newton's law material based on the Virtual Lab, students can interactively interact with the application by choosing virtual practicum tools and materials. This application can be a tool for understanding learning so that it can increase student grades, especially during a pandemic.
Practicum; Virtual-Lab; Physics; Newton's Laws
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