Design of IOT enabled robust control of an artificial ventilator

R. Narmadha 1, J. Shahin Rojar 2 and C. Kannan 2, *

1 Department of ECE, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India.
2 Department of EEE, Arunai Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai, India.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 15(01), 019–022.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.15.1.0064
Publication history: 
To breathe, the human lungs use the reverse pressure generated by the diaphragm's contraction motion to suck in air. A ventilator uses a contradictory motion to inflate the lungs via a pumping motion. A ventilator mechanism must be capable of delivering between 10 and 30 breaths per minute, with the ability to adjust rising increments in sets of two. In addition, the ventilator must be able to adjust the amount of air pushed into the lungs with each breath. The last but not least option is to change the time duration for the inhalation to exhalation ratio. Emergency situations aside from that, the ventilator must be able to monitor the patient's blood oxygen level and exhaled lung pressure in order to avoid complications. To adjust the time duration for inhalation, an option command given in the IoT application. The entire system is driven by PIC controller to achieve desired results and to assist patients.
Contradictory Motion; Diaphragm; Exhalation; Inhalation; Ventilator
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