The analysis of personnel workload on navy hospital ships using the NASA-TLX method

I Made Jiwa Astika *, Avando Bastari and Okol Sri Suharyo

Indonesia Naval Technology College, STTAL Surabaya Indonesia.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 07(03), 190–202.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.7.3.0091
Publication history: 
Received on 16 May 2021; revised on 19 June 2021; accepted on 22 June 2021
Navy Ships A is a Republic of Indonesia Ship type LPD (Landing Platform Dock) which has the main task and additional duties as a Naval Hospital Auxiliary Ship. In their daily life, Navy Ships A carries out maritime security operations to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as carry out humanitarian social activities. This makes the workload of Navy Ships A personnel in the high category. And it causes a decrease in productivity and morale of personnel which will result in work accidents and not achieving the main tasks assigned to Navy Ships A. This study aims to calculate the workload of Navy Ships A personnel using the NASA TLX (Task Load Index) method under conditions the current number of personnel. This research is expected to be able to calculate the workload of Navy Ships A personnel with the condition that the proper Personnel Composition List (DSP) has not been fulfilled. As well as being able to provide workload calculations according to the number of existing DSPs, so that they can provide recommendations for the right solution to the problem of high workload experienced by Navy Ships A personnel.
Personnel workload; Navy Hospital Ships A; NASA TLX Method
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