The analysis of the role of Indonesia naval base to support national logistic supplies with a dynamic system approach (A Conceptual Review)

Mukhlis, Yoyok Nurkarya Santosa, Adi Bandono and Okol Sri Suharyo *

Indonesia Naval Technology College, STTAL Surabaya Indonesia.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 20(01), 150–154.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2024.20.1.0127
Publication history: 
Received on 07 June 2024; revised on 20 July 2024; accepted on 23 July 2024
The strategic position of Indonesia, an archipelagic country, necessitates efficient and reliable naval logistics to support national security and economic stability. This paper analyzes the role of Indonesia's naval bases in supporting national logistic supplies using a dynamic system approach. By integrating various factors affecting naval logistics, this study provides insights into optimizing logistics operations and ensuring the effectiveness of naval bases in supporting national supply chains. The objectives of this study are to Identify the key factors influencing the efficiency of naval logistics. Develop a dynamic system model to analyze these factors. Propose strategies for optimizing logistics operations through naval bases. This study offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and improving the logistics support provided by naval bases. The findings will help policymakers and military planners enhance logistics operations and ensure a reliable supply chain. This study presents a system dynamics approach to analyzing the role of Indonesia's naval bases in supporting national logistic supplies. The model provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and optimizing naval logistics operations.
Naval Base; National Logistic Supplies; System Dynamics; Indonesia; Maritime Logistics; Supply Chain Optimization
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