On an application of node MCU Esp8266 in opening and closing the laboratory door - online practice

Nguyen Tai Tuyen *, Nguyen Quang Ngọc and Nguyen Xuan Hung

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 09(03), 086–091.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.9.3.0174
Publication history: 
Received on 20 November 2021; revised on 23 December 2021; accepted on 25 December 2021
This paper presents an application of ESP8266 node MCU in building a networked laboratory door opening and closing system (NLDOC system). The article mentions the function of the ESP8266 node MCU [1-3], and the Arduino application to serve as the basis for the development of an application that connects computers and smartphones [5-6], allowing to control the door latch of the practical labs remotely via Wi-Fi combined with security monitoring through the camera system [4].
NLDOC system; On - off systems; ESP8266 connects Computer; PTIT
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