Enviromental Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel (Castor, Coconut, MGB) to Support Alternative Energy using CFD approach

Sutrisno *, Avando Bastari and Okol Sri Suharyo

Indonesian Naval Technology College, STTAL Surabaya Indonesia.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 08(01), 051-060.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.8.1.0100
Publication history: 
Received on 01 June 2021; revised on 07 July 2021; accepted on 09 July 2021
The Ship uses the MTU 16V956 TB 92 propulsion engine with a piston-type Mexican Hat combustion chamber. In general, the crown is used on machines with large torque. Besides that, the crown shape in the combustion chamber is also very influential on the formation of a mixture of fuel and air before the combustion process occurs. So it is necessary to know about the spray pattern of biodiesel fuel of enviromental things (castor, coconut, used cooking oil/MGB) in the Mexican Hat combustion chamber. In this study, using the Mexican Hat-shaped piston crown simulation method, the first step was to test the spray pattern of the three types of biodiesel (castor, coconut, used cooking oil) by simulating a tube with an injection pressure of 350 bar gauge pressure inside a barometric pressure tube. While the completion in the Mexican Hat combustion chamber with a chamber pressure of 35 bar gauge and injection pressure of 350 bar gauge was completed with the CFD program, Fluent 6.2, and the results of the three biodiesels were compared. From the CFD simulation results obtained spray patterns of the three types of biodiesel (castor, coconut, used cooking oil). At the same injection pressure and chamber pressure, used cooking biodiesel has the longest penetration length, followed by castor biodiesel and coconut biodiesel. The spray angle of coconut biodiesel is the largest, followed by castor biodiesel and used cooking oil biodiesel. SMD coconut biodiesel is the smallest, followed by castor biodiesel and used cooking oil biodiesel.
Enviromental; Biodiesel; Castor, Coconut, Cooking oil/MGB; Pattern Analysis
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