Improvement of the exhaust fume influence on environment through magneto hydrodynamic system


1 National Center for Energy Research and Development, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
2 Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 16(01), 064–072.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.16.1.0129
Publication history: 
Received on 07 June 2023; revised on 16 July 2023; accepted on 18 July 2023
In developing countries the need for combustion exhaust reduction is of great concern, since global warming has been associated with burning of fuel. The objective of the work is on carbon emission elimination  with the use of Magneto Hydrodynamic (MHD) system.  This system was constructed with Alinco magnets of 8200Guass strength and metal construction with steel of gauge 17. The Magneto hydrodynamic system constructed was used to run three sets of tests for sixty minutes taking readings of 0.5minute,1minute, 2minute, 3minute, 4minute, 5minute, 10 minute, 15minute, 20minute, 25minute, 30minute, 35minute, 40minute, 45minute, 50minute, 55minute, 60minute, and the average was taken. The temperature, oxygen output, carbon (iv) oxide, and the efficiency of the exhaust fume from 800watts generator was measured with and without the constructed Magneto hydrodynamics. The results showed a complete elimination of carbon (iv) oxide, an increase in the combustion efficiency from 83% to 87% on the average, an increase in the oxygen produced from 10% to 20% on the average and a reduction of the exhaust temperature from 264.53o C to 109.53o C. It was observed from the result that there was a total elimination of carbon (iv) oxide this implies that it completely removed the produced carbon(iv) oxide from the 800watts generator, therefore it is completely environmentally safe, also the heat reduction of the output shows a recovery of waste heat from the exhaust system, this improving the energy efficiency. 
Waste heat; Carbon elimination; Environmentally safe; Energy efficiency
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