Investigation on the performance of ‘Fino’ materials to stabilize expansive soil: A case study in Yeka Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tsion Mindaye 1, *, Emer Tucay Quezon 2 and Temesgen Ayna 1

1Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia
2Department of Civil Engineering, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Institute of Technology, Ambo University Hachalu Hundessa Campus, Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 06(02), 044-050.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.6.2.0012
Publication history: 
Received on 08 January 2021; revised on 04 February 2021; accepted on 06 February 2021
Expansive soil swells when it is wet, and it will shrink when it dries. Due to this behavior of the soil, the strength and other properties of soil are inferior. To improve its properties, it is necessary to stabilize the soil with different stabilizers. Soil stabilization is a process to treat the soil to maintain, alter, or improve expansive soil performance. In this study, the potential of 'Fino' as stabilizing additive to expansive soil was investigated for the improving engineering properties of expansive soil to be used as subgrade material. The evaluation involved the determination of the Free Swell test, CBR test, Atterberg's limits, and the Proctor test of expansive soil in its natural state as well as when mixed with varying proportions of 'Fino.' The practices were performed on six proportions 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30 % with expansive soil. The research result indicated a considerable reduction in Swelling, and the Maximum dry Density of soil was improved. Optimum moisture content decreased in increasing 'Fino.' At 30% of 'Fino,' the CBR values of expansive soil increased from 1.06% to 5.94%, Liquid Limit decreased from 95.2% to 29.4%, plasticity index decreased from 57.24% to 17.82% and the degree of expansion of the natural subgrade soil has reduced from "very high to medium." Hence, it is concluded that the 'Fino' at 30% has shown significant improvement in the expansive soil's engineering properties meeting the ERA and AASHTO Standard specifications requirements for road subgrade material.
Expansive Soil; Index Properties; 'Fino'; Subgrade Strength.
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