Italian literary parks and their importance as forms of cultural entrepreneurship: case study of the Eugenio Montale Park in Milano

Fotini Maniou 1, *, Roιdo Mitoula 1 and Maria Manola 2

1 Department of Economy and Sustainable Development, Harokopion University of Athens, Greece.
2 Department of Tourism Management, University of West Attica Greece.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 21(03), 056–063.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2024.21.3.0225
Publication history: 
Received on 03 November 2024; revised on 11 December 2024; accepted on 13 December 2024
This paper focuses on literary theme parks and their role as an alternative form of tourism, with a particular contribution to sustainable tourism development. Literature-oriented theme parks are an original way to combine cultural heritage and tourist experience, attracting travellers interested in literature and authors. The case of Italy, a country that has succeeded in developing theme parks based on famous authors and literary works, is the subject of this study. The contribution to the economy through the enhancement of tourism and cultural activities is one of the issues that will be examined in the course of this study, as well as how the connection between literature and landscape offers, not only an enriched experience for visitors, but also important entrepreneurial cultural opportunities for the economic and social enhancement of local communities.
Cultural entrepreneurship; Literary Tourism; Literary Parks; Local Economy; Cultural heritage
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