Particle motion in mixed flow dryers

Tamás Tolnai *

Rail Safe Kft., 5051 Zagyvarékas, Csárda utca 31-43. Hungary.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 09(03), 114–121.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.9.3.0171
Publication history: 
Received on 17 November 2021; revised on 22 December 2021; accepted on 24 December 2021
Differences in flow rates of this nature have a significant effect on the unevenness of the moisture content of the dried material, since the material which remains in the drying chamber for an unnecessarily long time is over-dried and the under-drying is a problem for the material remaining in the dryer for too short a time. In this article, I analyzed the effect of increasing particle-wall friction on the unevenness of the particle flow velocity field. The research has shown that dead zones are formed in the vicinity of the rough walls, which reduce the uniformity of the flow. The results show that the tribological properties of the inner wall surfaces of the dryers can have a very significant effect on the efficient operation of the dryers.
Particle motion; Moisture content; Uniform flow; Uniform drying; Flow rate
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