Role of digitalization to increase resource productivity (Balkan cluster case study)
1 Social Sciences Department, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 1 Hristo Smirnensky, 1046 - Sofia, Bulgaria.
2 Faculty of Business and Management, Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, 8 Studentska, 7017- Ruse, Bulgaria.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 16(02), 256–265.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.16.2.0172
Publication history:
Received on 08 July 2023; revised on 24 August 2023; accepted on 26 August 2023
Purpose: In today's dynamic conditions an important determinant of economic growth and well-being in each country is increasing resource productivity, which is a prerequisite for the transition to sustainable production and consumption. The aim of the study is: 1) Analysis of resource productivity in selected nine countries in the Balkan region, 2) Assessment of the role of digitalization (and four key characteristics) as a factor for increasing the productivity of resources in the Balkan cluster.
Method: The survey uses a method based on statistical analysis of Eurostat data and data collected in an open and standardized way, using a correlation coefficient.
Results: The results of the empirical study should demonstrate the link between the digitization process in the Balkan cluster and increasing resource productivity. The survey was conducted among 25 working clusters in Bulgaria and all of them have active cooperation with partners from the Balkan countries.
Conclusions: The study and conclusions demonstrate the significant opportunities for increasing resource productivity in the Balkan region by digitizing processes, resulting in optimizing consumption and separation of economic activity from material consumption. This process requires a new development strategy, strategic and flexible cooperation between the private and public sectors, between different companies, educational and research institutes, between companies from different countries in a region, which can be most effectively implemented in the cluster union.
Resource Productivity; Digitization; Balkan Cluster; Sustainable Product; Learning; Knowledge Transfer
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