Subject review: Cyber security using machine learning and deep learning techniques

Raniah Ali Mustafa * and Haitham Salman Chyad

Department of Computer Science, College of Education, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 16(02), 212–219.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.16.2.0161
Publication history: 
Received on 06 July 2023; revised on 15 August 2023; accepted on 18 August 2023
In order to protection computers, programs, networks and data from intrusions and unauthorised access (UA), alteration, or demolition, a set of technologies and procedures is known as cybersecurity. A significant concern is the identification and prevention of a network intrusion. Methods like machine learning & deep learning identify network intrusions through estimating risk utilizing training data. Through the years, a number of machine learning & deep learning techniques have been introduced, and it has been demonstrated that these techniques are more accurate than other network intrusion detection systems. Moreover, the most crucial research on the utilize of machine learning & deep learning in cybersecurity (CS) is summarized in this research article. The results indicate which through foreseeing and comprehending the behavior and traffic of malicious software, machine learning & deep learning methods play important roles in restricting unauthorised access (UA) to computer systems and in managing system permeation. also explains how machine learning & deep learning are utilized in cyber security for both offensive and defensive purposes, as well as how cyber-attacks on models utilizing machine learning & deep learning have been targeted.
Intrusion detection (ID); Cyber-attacks; Machine learning & deep learning; Cybersecurity
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