Towards the process of designing an architecture of e-learning activities according to the kolb cycle
A research team in Computer Science and University Pedagogical Engineering, Équipe science de l’ingenierie pedagogique universitaire (S2IPU). Higher Normal School of Tétouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 17(02), 053–062.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.17.2.0220
Publication history:
Received on 16 September 2023; revised on 11 November 2023; accepted on 14 November 2023
In the context of experiential learning, the Kolb Cycle offers a dynamic approach to learning that associatively integrates the concrete and the abstract by allowing learners to engage in concrete experiences, reflect, conceptualize and actively experience their learning. This article aims to contribute to the development of an architecture of learning activities corresponding to the transition from concrete to abstract in the kolb cycle, through an inductive approach in online teaching. The study explores how Kolb's four learning styles can be integrated into online learning activities aimed at meeting the needs and preferences of learners. Our work highlights the importance of considering learning style of each learner when designing and delivering online learning activities and addresses the perception dimension (concrete and abstract) at the method and practice level that the other dimension will be presented in a future article.
Kolb's learning styles; Concrete; Abstract; Inductive approach; Conceptualization scenario; Architecture of activities
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