Tuning of a control compensator from the first generation with comparison with compensators from the second compensator generation

Galal Ali Hassaan *

Emeritus Professor, Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 09(03), 038–049.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.9.3.0163
Publication history: 
Received on 10 November 2021; revised on 13 December 2021; accepted on 15 December 2021
The paper investigates the tuning of a second order compensator from the first compensators generation when used to control a highly oscillating second order process. It compares the performance characteristics of the control system comprising this compensator to control the highly oscillating second order process with those resulting from the use of five compensators from the second compensators generation. The comparison covers three time-based characteristics: maximum percentage overshoot, settling time and steady-state error. All the compensators are tuned and the analysis results help control engineers to select appropriate compensators according to the desired performance characteristic for a specific application.
Control compensators; Compensators generation; Compensator tuning; Highly oscillating process; Performance characteristics
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