Quantum computing and its potential impact on U.S. cybersecurity: A review: Scrutinizing the challenges and opportunities presented by quantum technologies in safeguarding digital assets

Enoch Oluwademilade Sodiya 1, *, Uchenna Joseph Umoga 2, Olukunle Oladipupo Amoo 3 and Akoh Atadoga 4

1 Independent Researcher, UK.
2 Independent Researcher, Washington, USA.
3 Department of Cybersecurity, University of Nebraska at Omaha, United States of America.
4 Independent Researcher, San Francisco, USA.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 18(02), 049–064.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2024.18.2.0026
Publication history: 
Received on 03 January 2024, revised on 08 Februay 2024, accepted on 11 February 2024
This study explores the dual impact of quantum computing on cybersecurity, focusing on the challenges it poses to existing cryptographic standards and the opportunities it presents for enhancing secure communication. Through a comprehensive review of current literature and analysis of emerging quantum-resistant technologies such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), the research identifies key vulnerabilities in traditional encryption methods and outlines the potential of quantum technologies to revolutionize cybersecurity practices. The study emphasizes the urgent need for the development and standardization of quantum-resistant cryptographic solutions to safeguard digital assets against the computational capabilities of quantum technologies. Policy recommendations are psroposed to accelerate the adoption of quantum-safe standards and to foster collaboration among stakeholders in the cybersecurity ecosystem. Furthermore, the study highlights areas for future research, including the scalability of quantum-resilient solutions and the ethical implications of quantum computing on privacy and security. Conclusively, the findings suggest that a proactive and collaborative approach is essential for navigating the quantum computing era, underscoring the importance of preparing a quantum-resilient cybersecurity infrastructure to ensure the long-term security of digital communications and assets.
Quantum Computing; Cybersecurity; Post-Quantum Cryptography; Quantum Key Distribution
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