Autonomous pest management system

Sharath M N * and Hemalatha B M

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan, India.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 19(02), 107–112.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2024.19.2.0079
Publication history: 
Received on 31 March 2024; revised on 14 May 2024; accepted on 17 May 2024
These days, ranchers are playing a crucial role in the rural areas by working hard and planting crops that help the different districts' social orders obtain their basic needs. Despite the fact that just 44% of pesticides are used worldwide, over 70% of them are used in India. Using these chemicals is contaminating the air. This is one of the major problems in gardening. In order to do this, a robot that sprays pesticides autonomously and with less environmental harm is developed. The project is managed by a remote sensing company. Distant sensor network applications in rural, bio- clinical, ecological, and other fields. The ranchers will really benefit from this bot. Using cell phone support; this bot will splatter chemicals across the entire harvest. It is possible to control this bot efficiently. The robot covers every plant on the property with pesticides by sprinkling them on. This will be applied to application structures for sickness counteraction and problem control. The rancher's time and workload will be reduced by using this bot.
Sensor; EP32 Master; LED registers; AGROBOT
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