Wastewater treatment in the pulp and paper industry: A review

Yung-Tse Hung 1, *, Emersen Liauw 1, Howard H. Paul 2 and Christopher R. Huhnke 1

1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
2 Department of Information Systems, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Review Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2024, 20(03), 001–005.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2024.20.3.0154
Publication history: 
Received on 15 July 2024; revised on 21 August 2024; accepted on 24 August 2024
The pulp and paper industry plays a large role in global manufacturing, which creates significant water consumption and generation of wastewater that is filled with organic compounds and other chemicals. This paper will explore many different aspects of the pulp and paper industry such as raw material sourcing, manufacturing processes, environmental concerns, technological advancements, and the various wastewater treatment approaches. While there are many different methods to approach this wastewater issue, in this paper we will focus on anaerobic digestion, the application of biological aerated filters, and the use of constructed wetlands. The main material utilized in this industry is wood pulp, which undergoes multiple different procedures and processes to create the typical paper products we use every day. These processes, such as pulping and bleaching, create a large number of environmental concerns despite efforts to encourage better manufacturing practices and paper recycling.
Anaerobic digestion; Waste treatment; Pulp wastewater; Paper wastewater; Paper recycling; Advanced oxidation processes
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