The impact of artificial sweeteners on human health and metabolism
Head of Quality Assurance and Compliance, Ukraine.
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2023, 14(01), 120-135.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2023.14.1.0015
Publication history:
Received on 04 December 2022; revised on 21 January 2023; accepted on 24 January 2023
Artificial sweeteners have become a common way to save calories by replacing sugar with sweetness. Their effects on human health and metabolism, however, are hotly debated. Here, the influence of artificial sweeteners on metabolic processes, such as glucose regulation, insulin sensitivity, and gut microbiome composition are examined. A literature review has shown mixed results, with some studies suggesting benefits like weight control and glycemic control and others implicating metabolic dysregulation, intestinal dysbiosis, and an increased risk for disease. Moreover, the individual variability in response to artificial sweeteners is presented, and a need for a personalized approach to consuming artificial sweeteners is highlighted. This work presents a nuanced perspective on the health consequences of artificial sweeteners used by consumers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Long-term human studies and population-specific effects are required to fill the knowledge gaps recommended for further research.
Artificial sweeteners; Human health; Metabolism; Glucose regulation; Insulin sensitivity; Gut microbiome; Obesity; Metabolic disorders; Sugar substitutes; Chronic diseases
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This paper has received best paper award for the Volume 14 - Issue 1 (January 2023).
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