Advanced waste heat recovery system based on organic rankine cycle

Iniobong Gregory Frank *, B.  Nkoi and I. E. Douglas

Marine and Offshore Engineering, River State University, Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 07(03), 024–045.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.7.3.0073
Publication history: 
Received on 25 April 2021; revised on 30 May 2021; accepted on 02 June 2021
In this research, Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is used to recover heat from exhaust gas of a four-stroke diesel engine. After retrofitting ORC to the engine, Brake power increased from 10473.91 kW to combined – cycle Brake power of 10736.00kW, thermal efficiency increased from 36.01% to combined – cycle thermal efficiency of 51.32% and Exhaust gas temperature decrease from 358oC to 120oC at the exit of the turbocharger. ORC with R12, R22, R134a and R290 as working fluids at saturation and superheated temperatures, pressures and condenser pressures at different ranges were used to compare refrigerants performance in converting low grade exhaust gas waste heat into useful work. This research presents theoretical analysis on four different refrigerants. Applying the above-mentioned refrigerants as working fluid superheated vapour temperature for R12 is 131.72oC, R134a is 129.37oC, R22 is 113.40oC and R290 is 116.95oC. ORC Power generated by turbine gives 94.98kW, 95.56kW. 130.32kW. 262.64kW respectively, ORC Thermal efficiency gives 36%, 29%, 37% and 38% for R12, R22, R134a, and R290 respectively. Combined – cycle power for each of the refrigerant gives 10568.89kW, 10604.23kW, 10569.47kW and 10736.00kW respectively, combined – cycle thermal efficiency for each refrigerant gives 51.14%, 51.18%, 51.14% and 51.32% for R12, R134a, R22 and R290 respectively. R290 offers optimal performance compared to other refrigerants used in this research. The retrofitting of the ORC has saved some supposedly waste exhaust heat energy and has increased both combined cycle power output and thermal efficiency of the engine cycle. 
Refrigerant; Superheated vapour; Thermal efficiency; Combined power; Brake power; Retrofitting
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