Structural Soundness of Carpio Hall and Federizo Hall: Inputs for planning and renovation of buildings in Bulacan State University
Architecture Department, College of Architecture and Fine Arts, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines, 3000.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 08(03), 087–100.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.8.3.0131
Publication history:
Received on 14 August 2021; revised on 16 September 2021; accepted on 18 September 2021
The study focused on determining the structural soundness of Carpio Hall and Federizo Hall in Bulacan State University-Main Campus. The parameters used were the age of the building, material used, existing condition, and the compressive strength of the beams, columns, and slabs of the two buildings. The processes and tests that involve include visual inspection, non – destructive testing, hypothesis testing, and interview. The performance of non-destructive testing, particularly Hammer Rebound Test is to determine the compressive strength of each structural member followed by hypothesis testing to establish the significance of the compressive strength in each floor level.
Based on the results, a Structural Audit Plan for Carpio Hall and Federizo Hall was proposed. It may be used as a basis in allocating a budget for the repair, retrofitting, and renovation. Some of the structural members of Carpio Hall and Federizo Hall already manifest signs of deterioration due to its age and improper maintenance. It is necessary to conduct visual/tapping observation to monitor the changes in the building and easily determine what members need repair. The use of non – destructive equipment like hammer rebound test is efficient in providing immediate test result and advisable to be of use as it will not contribute in the further damage of members. It is advisable to conduct a structural audit of buildings regularly or as needed to avoid more damage. Structural Audit Management Plan is also necessary as it will help in providing preventive maintenance plan to increase the service life of a building.
Structural soundness; Compressive strength; Non-destructive test; Visual inspection; Retrofitting
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