Flood causes, consequences, protection, measures and management in Kaserkand, Sarbaz and Dashtyari Districts, Makoran, Iran
1 Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Chabahar Maritime University, Iran.
2 Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Chabahar Maritime University, Iran.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2022, 10(02), 094-102.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2022.10.2.0025
Publication history:
Received on 20 December 2021; revised on 12 February 2022; accepted on 14 February 2022
Flooding is the most overwhelming natural hazard in this region due to miscellaneous ecosystems and occurs mainly due to the heavy monsoon rains throughout the country, commonly late in the summer season and overflow the rivers and streams over dry land. In the Makoran region floods are a common problem and their continuity makes them more alarming for its economic growth. Flooding is globally a major natural hazard and results in property and life loss and poor economic development. Though it is not possible to prevent the occurrence of floods, their negative impacts could be minimized substantially through proper planning and effective preparation. The susceptibility to floods could be reduced by accurate and timely prediction (Forecasting and Warning) and by impact-reducing measures. Although the impacts of floods vary from one place to another and in the consequences, there are significant losses such as human life lost their shelter, livelihood, damage to the public and private infrastructures such as roads and bridges. The aim of this work is to present a brief analysis of the flooding behavior of the Kajo and Sarbaz basin, flood causes, their dreadful impacts, and the flood administration at the national level. This study also examines the aftermaths of severe floods in the Makoran region by a comprehensive and systematic review of consequence, protection, measures and management with a suitable investigation. Recommendations have been made through detailed analysis of flooding, to minimize the terrible impacts and to avoid floods continuity in coming years. It could be managing with constructing storage dams, diversion canals, dikes and storm surge barriers.
Disaster; Flood; Integrated flood; Risk management; Risk assessment; Vulnerability Floods
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