Quarter car model optimization of active suspension system using fuzzy PID and linear quadratic regulator controllers

Abdussalam Ali Ahmed *

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Bani Waleed University, Bani Waleed, Libya.
Research Article
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 2021, 06(03), 088-097.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gjeta.2021.6.3.0041
Publication history: 
Received on 01 February 2021; revised on 04 March 2021; accepted on 06 March 2021
The primary objective of this paper is to improve the performance of a car's active suspension system and control the vibrations that occurred in the car's using two well-known control technologies, namely the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and fuzzy PID control. When the car suspension is designed, a quarter car model with two degrees of freedom is used. A complete control system is needed to provide the desired suspension performance and characteristics such as passenger comfort, road handling, and suspension deflection, this control system performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK and includes three parts: input signals (actuator force and road profile), Controller part, and the suspension system model. The simulation results from the implemented Simulink models show a comparison between the uncontrolled suspension system and the suspension system with a fuzzy PID controller and the active suspension system of the car based on the linear-quadratic regulator, and it is explained thoroughly.
Active Suspension; Quarter Car Model; Linear Quadratic Regulator; Fuzzy PID Control.
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